Starface Skincare FAQ's on TikTok

Starface is a skincare brand best known for its star-shaped hydrocolloid pimple patches which are used to get rid of acne, zits & blemishes fast.

Starface Keeps Their Consumers Up-To-Date on TikTok

As for its TikTok presence, the brand uses its feed like a live-action FAQ page. Starface answers, through TikTok tutorials and Q&As, common product questions and concerns such as:

  • “How many stars are in a pack?”
  • “Should I apply after my moisturizer?”

The brand’s TikToks mostly show customers using Starface products to solve their skincare problems. Sometimes, they even feature Starface employees using the stickers.

In the sample TikTok, Starface answers multiple questions in one video.

Why Personal Engagement Works for Starface on TikTok

Using their TikTok presence in such a manner allows Starface to troubleshoot and answer FAQS about their products. They’re also able to engage with their followers on a personal level.

In essence, Starface forms human connections with their customers by using TikTok as a platform for customer support.

Sample TikTok Post
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