Starbucks Human Approach to TikTok

Starbucks is a global chain of coffeehouses and roastery reserves. In fact, the brand is the world’s largest coffeehouse chain.

Starbucks Unique Approach to TikTok

Typically, you’d expect their TikTok presence to be all about their marketing efforts to promote new products and drinks. However, their footprint on TikTok mostly consists of videos of real-life customer interactions with baristas.

These heartfelt videos highlight Starbucks’ baristas going the extra mile for customers. In fact, the videos show how these baristas provide customers with more than their coffee order.

Why Starbucks Strategy Worked

It works so well for Starbucks because none of the TikToks were scripted. They were all filmed and shared by the brand’s customers, therefore showing viewers that all of the interactions were authentic.

The end result is Starbucks being able to emphasize the human side of its company. Starbucks is able to do this by showing how its employees take extra steps to please customers in real life.

In the sample TikTok, a barista gives a mother emotional support after hearing her children crying in the car.
Sample TikTok Post
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